A few days this week I worked hard to actually get some housework done before getting online - and it was amazing what a difference it made! I didn't spend my whole time at the computer trying to avoid eye contact with my to-do list. So relaxing! Now if I could just get a handle on the email situation.
Speaking of housework, I think I'm going to give in and make a homemaking notebook. I've toyed with the idea but never had enough motivation to actually put a binder together. (Yes, that's been the biggest thing stopping me.) Today, however, I went to a moms group where they gave us binders and stuff to decorate them and I took that as a sign from God that it was time I got serious about this whole homemaking thing.
But now I have to actually put stuff in it. Do you have a home management notebook? Do you have any good links to posts about starting and organizing one? Please share!
So in addition to taking pictures of my hair each week for No Plain Pony November, I initially toyed with the idea of also participating in What I Wore Wednesdays. If you haven't seen this before, you essentially take a picture of what you wear throughout the week and then post them on Wednesdays - the idea being to actually make yourself get dressed and even try to look good, since you know The Internet will see you and not just the grocery store clerk.
I decided not to post the outfit pictures because my hair posts were already long enough, but I have to say this was a really helpful exercise. In addition to making me get dressed and not just lounge around in sweats, taking a picture of myself every day was helpful as I try to figure out my personal style (and I do use that word loosely!). I just finished reading a couple of style books and it was so helpful to be able to see what those books were talking about. I could really appreciate the whole ensemble better by actually looking at a picture as opposed to looking in a mirror. For example, one book talked a lot about The Almighty Line and how you need to look at the whole effect of an outfit and what it does for your shape. I could only kind of make it out in the mirror, but when I looked at the picture of it I was able to really start to see what she meant.
One evening I asked my husband which of two routes would be quicker. He responded with a different third route, which I immediately dismissed, since it went through a neighborhood and of course that would take longer. And of course after trying all three routes, his suggestion was the clear winner.
The thing is, instead of being annoyed that he was right and I was wrong, I really relished the fact. Is that strange? That I could love my husband being right? Perhaps I subconsciously think it makes me look smart, to choose such a smart husband?
Darn you boy scouts! You have to be such cute neighbors and make me want to support your fundraising, and then you sell things like cookie dough. Which is somehow frozen and yet soft enough to eat by the spoonful. I might have to take cookies somewhere just to get this stuff out of my house.
If I were one of those good moms I would have adorable Christmas cards like this. (Well, and if my husband wasn't anti-naked-baby-pictures.)

Instead we had my mom take a couple pics (on Halloween weekend no less - I'm becoming one of those people I hate for skipping important holidays like Thanksgiving!) and ended up with shots like this.
Maybe we'll just do regular cards instead of photo cards this year.
Have a great weekend!
And for more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!