I am attempting to make nacho cheese sauce without Velveeta this weekend. I don't know if words can express just how big of a deal this is. Back in grade school, my mom got the recipe for nacho cheese sauce from the cafeteria ladies, because my brothers and I raved about it so. It was based on velveeta and dry milk. And for the next 20+ years she has made this, to much acclaim. It was served at birthday parties and almost any time we had friends over. Our family is kind of known for it.
And yet I have discovered that Velveeta isn't actually cheese. What a sad day. And yet what a delightful day when I stumbled upon this recipe that promises creamy goodness made from real cheese! I have my fingers crossed that it will be half as good as my mother's.
I went to hear Christopher West speak this week. How fitting to hear a talk on the theology surrounding our bodies during the week that we celebrate the resurrection of Christ's body! I've heard him talk before and read and watched some of his other material, so I had wondered if there would be anything new when I went. There was. And it was great. I also came away with an extra signed copy of his new book At the Heart of the Gospel - any thoughts on what I should do with it? Here's the trailer for it:
Sometimes I forget that there are people who use NFP who haven't gotten into all the whys behind it. Another couple I'm friends with also went - they use NFP but hadn't heard of Christopher West (I know, right?!). They loved it. So just in case you also use NFP but don't know the fullness of the Church's teaching on sexuality - or really, even if you don't use NFP but want to know more about the Church's teaching on sexuality - you should jump at the chance to see him talk. It's usually held at a church and free to attend, and you don't have to be Catholic.
Another person you should jump at the chance to see? Damon Owens. We heard him give his witness talk last year and it was amazing. My husband is not one to go on and on, but he raved about this guy for days.
I really didn't mean for these all to be about NFP, but while we're on the topic, have you seen the cute buttons that Katie has been making? They're great!

Like a gazillion other people, I gave up facebook for Lent. This was among other internet restrictions. I was surprised to find that, although I missed blogs and Pinterest, I did not miss facebook. I was actually relieved most of the time that I couldn't get on it. I was also amazed at just how often I started to check it out of habit - and how happy I was to shut the computer and go play with Miriam or even do housework instead. I don't think I'll go as far as my husband and quit facebook altogether (he joyfully dubbed it "Facebook Liberation Day"), but I am going to be spending much less time on there. In fact, this week the only times I've gotten on were to check and see if a certain baby had arrived yet!
Our Easter was great. Exhibit A: the egg hunt.
Exhibit B: tossing all notions of ladylike behavior aside in favor of learning to climb up the back of a folding chair.
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