Better late than never, right?
A complete stranger in the grocery store started a conversation with me by saying "Did you see raspberries are on sale? I saw this idea on Pinterest... " And I had to laugh, because I immediately thought of this graphic, which has been repinned over and over again:

So true.
I was in a meeting this week for our new NFP group and someone asked me how many hours a week I volunteered. Um, pretty much every naptime and a couple evenings a week, along with the occasional morning meeting. Which might not sound like a lot to an outsider, but this time commitment has really surprised me! (Goodbye, blogging and reading.) I really like it, but I can see how it could lead to burnout, so I'm trying to guard myself against that. Hopefully once this has really gotten off the ground, it will be an easier routine.
But did I mention that leading this group is awesome? I'm getting to meet so many people with so much passion! And because I'm a supernerd, I think brainstorming up NFP events and outreach is superfun. So now we basically have oodles of ideas and the only problem is discerning what to do when. But I'm having a hard time getting out of the way so God can direct it all instead of me!
Speaking of super NFPness, I'm sure you've all heard about 1flesh by now. Wow.

Fantastic graphics, solid research, completely secular and yet completely in line with Church teaching. That kind of sarcasm and wit isn't really my thing, to be honest, but I think it's essential for attracting the attention of most of our society. And it already has attracted attention, being slammed by all kinds of let's-shove-contraception-down-teens-throats-and-call-it-womens-lib proponents (e.g., Jezebel). I'd call that a success!
I have to give Wal-Mart some credit. I know, they're the company many people love to hate, my husband included. But I have been searching for picture frames made in the USA for eight months. Eight months. I had checked Wal-Mart before, mind you, but everything was made in China, along with pretty much every frame sold at the fabric stores, the craft stores, the home goods stores, and the department stores. I asked employees, in case I had just somehow missed one somewhere. The lady at Bed, Bath, and Beyond informed me that they often couldn't even get items made in the USA from their suppliers. The man at Target laughed out loud when I asked and thanked me for making his day. I had finally decided I would need to turn to Etsy and spend the money to get nice homemade frames.
And then this week, on an unplanned trip to Wal-Mart (I haven't been in months, since as I mentioned before, my husband would rather us not spend money there), there they were, on an endcap in all their plain wooden glory.
Made in the USA, from recycled products and everything. For three bucks a frame. I ignored how cheaply they were made and started throwing 5x7s into the cart so fast that I think Miriam was startled. Looks like after a year of living here we can finally start putting pictures up on our walls!
I am so in love with our daughter. Even amid the "no no no" and 5:30 wakeup call, life is just blissful. This week we discovered that Miriam has added a new song to her repertoire. In addition to The Alphabet Song (which she's getting pretty good at) and Jesus Loves the Little Children (which consists of "Jesus!" and expecting me to sing it), Miriam also knows Good Morning by Mandisa. She dances and sings the first words of the chorus. It's the cutest thing ever.
"Gi uh!" (Get up)
"Gi uh!" (Get up)
"Guh moh-ey!" (Good morning)
If you can get over the adorableness that is my daughter in the above pictures, you may have noticed that she's wearing a onesie. I thought we were long done with those, but she's developed a habit of picking at her belly button - so much so that it used to be an innie and is now an outie. No joke. Our only hope is that by putting her back into onesies, she won't be able to pick at it and it will eventually go back to its original state. Someone please tell me that's possible.
Have a great weekend, friends!
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