It's NFP Awareness Week! When all your favorite blogs are doing posts about the awesomeness of Natural Family Planning! Hooray!
Yours truly is a bit busy trying to handle real-life events this week (a kickoff picnic Sunday! making cookies for a talk for college students tomorrow night! actually praying the novena to Sts. Joachim and Anne that I suggested everyone on our email list do!), so here are links to other sites so you can enjoy the week. If you have links to any other good stuff, please leave them in the comments!

iusenfp is up and running! Whoohoo! Check it out here! They've got real life stories and the science behind NFP and of course graphics, with more facebook cover photos here. And remember that rough Which Method is Right for Me quiz I put together? They made it a gazillion time better - check it out here! Oh yes, and they have a grand opening giveaway - enter here!
I already mentioned 1flesh last week, but I can't leave them off the list. Here's a great story about how the contraceptive pill doesn't actually heal a woman's gynecological problems, but NAPRO can! And check out their page of arguments.
Did you see that Living the Sacrament is not only a great NFP forum, but they also have a blog now? They have some fantastic facebook cover photos, too!
Katie had a bunch of great articles published at Our Sunday Visitor!
The Guiding Star Project makes me drool. New Feminism. NFP. Natural birth. Empowering women. All in one amazing package.
Five things I'd rather have covered for free instead of birth control pills and abortifacient drugs. Great list!
Women Speak for Themselves has launched a YouTube channel. They have other great videos on Vimeo, too. And they want YOU to make a video, too! (You have signed the letter, right?)
Did you see there was an NFP video contest sponsored by Goodness Reigns? Love this stuff! The list of winners is here.
Last but never ever least (in fact, usually first in my browser!) is Jess at nfpworks! She is the go-to gal for all things NFP! She is also working for The Edith Stein Foundation, another awesome New Feminist group!
Enjoy, friends!