I'm passionate about Natural Family Planning. I read everything I can about it. We give talks about it to engaged couples. I've blogged about it on here a ton. And yet, here it is, NFP Awareness Week, and I've got nothing new to say.
I just realized why that is. Because after 4+ years, NFP is just a part of life for us.
NFP is what we do.
It's an integral and unquestionable part of our life. Just like buying our meat from a farm and having to cut up a whole bird every time we want chicken. Just like cloth diapers and exclusive breastfeeding and sitting front and center with a toddler at church.
These things were a very big deal at first. They aren't what most people do. Most people think it's too much work.
It's true that it isn't always easy. Like right now, our 3 month old is sleeping great (praise God!), but that means she's not breastfeeding much at night, which means my fertility is at this awkward in-between stage where it can't decide whether to return or not. I foresee a lot of abstaining for the coming weeks and maybe months. (That or Irish twins.) Not easy. But we've made a choice. We've thought and prayed and know that this is what is right for our family.
This is what we do. And it is worth it.