The Green Room

"that married couple"

My hubby asked me if I was going to explain the title of this blog. I thought it was fairly self-explanatory. We're just that ridiculous couple who are so crazy about each other that it makes people gag - and we like it :)

Sorry. :D

One of my favorite things about our relationship is that we're committed to making each other better. Not that we're bad people - in fact I think we're pretty good. But we can always be better! By having really high expectations of each other, we don't want to let each other down and so we achieve more and we become better from it. And if we do let each other down, we aren't going to love each other any less.

My mom would just smile knowingly if she heard all this and say that we're still in our honeymoon phase. She might be right. But we want our honeymoon phase to last forever!

So that's my sappy post of the day. I know, you're hoping it's the only one of the month ;)