The Green Room


Alternative title: "Tips on Parenting from a Couple that Doesn't Actually Have Children Yet"

Yesterday we went with another couple and their two kids (ages 3 and 6) to the Franklin Institute. It was a really fun time, and look how cute my husband the scientist is helping them make paper:

(Note that when the kids asked if we could make paper, their parents said no and we all kept walking. Except for my husband the scientist, who was fascinated that there was an art form that he hadn't tried. Once we realized we had lost him, we turned back to see him fascinated. When he asked if we could make paper, he got the green light.)

I particularly enjoyed the nuggets of wisdom that came from my husband the scientist's lips during and afterwards.

"You know how most families are downsizing? We're gonna upsize." (Yes!!)

"You need enough kids so that they start to discipline each other."

"You have to have enough kids so someone isn't getting attention all the time. Even two isn't enough, because there's still one parent for each of them. You have to make sure at least one is left out."

How exciting that we agree that when it comes to kids, the more the merrier! And yes, we recognize that that's very easy to say now before we have a car full of screaming children!

And speaking of screaming children, that might've been one of the best parts of the day. On the drive back, we sat in the backseat of the minivan and the 3 year old threw a tantrum because he was hungry, complete with piercing screams and banging his head back and forth on the car seat. I think this would scare most people, or at least make them rethink certain comments they had made on wanting several of these creatures. But my wonderful amazing perfect husband just shrugged and said, "It happens." I agreed - that's just something that comes with the territory.

And then I think I ovulated on the spot. Waiting is so hard!