The Green Room

7 Quick Takes (15)


I have actually been getting a lot of writing done! I am thrilled about this, because I was really frustrated by the slow pace my research has taken the last couple months. Suddenly I am writing for hours each day - yes!!

The only downside to this is that I am spending so much time writing my dissertation that I haven't been able to devote my usual amount of time to blog reading and commenting. Sorry ladies. I am still at least trying to read them! Hopefully I will finish two (or even three?!) chapters this afternoon and be able to jump back in to the blogosphere.


My dad called this morning. Apparently my mom is way behind on Christmas and told him he needs to help out with the gifts. What was supposed to be a short question about an idea for my husband turned into a half hour discussion with simultaneous internet searches!

I have to say, it is nice being able to turn to your husband to help out with Christmas. Usually my dad doesn't do gifts, but as his work has slowed and my mom's has quickened, and his experience with internet shopping has increased, he's getting in on it! With research taking over my life, my husband the scientist is also taking the reigns on our Christmas preparation so far. He has pulled out the decorations and even talked about doing some cards. Have I mentioned how great he is?


We're not in the Midwest anymore. I've discovered that I can't assume everyone's Christian!

Okay, maybe you all have always known this, but it is so weird for me to have to worry about this. It has never been on my radar before! The other day I asked a little boy about his list for Santa and he immediately corrected me "Christmas and Hanukkah." Oops. I was then told about Hanukkah Harry, who apparently looks just like Santa Claus only his colors are purple and yellow.

The funny thing is, my Jewish friend informed me that Hanukkah's not even a major holiday.


The other day I got to talk to the fantastic blogger from Fumbling Towards Grace! We chatted about a book that we read together for our "virtual book club." It was so much fun to actually talk with someone that I already feel like I know!

Look for a guest post from her about the book sometime in the future!


I don't know if you noticed, but my prayer card for humility had St. Dymphna on it. I had never heard of her, so I looked her up. Apparently she's the patron saint of people with mental and nervous disorders and incest victims! Agh! Thankfully I can't relate to that. I still have yet to see her particular help in the virtue of humility. Can anyone help me out with that?


And speaking of humility...

Last weekend I was making a beautiful birthday cake for my husband the scientist, and it was awesome. I decided I would blog about it and took pictures as I went. I had big plans of bragging on how easy it is to make such a great cake. I cut two round cakes in half so there were four layers (much more impressive than two) and used double the frosting. As I finished, the fourth and final layer broke in my hands.

I was disgusted. That's what I get for being all impressed with myself!

It turned out fine, though! I just slapped some extra icing in there and you couldn't tell by looking at it!


I stink. Seriously, my armpits smell. I need to hurry off here and get back to work so that I can finish with enough time to shower so I'm fresh and ready to go to my husband's office Christmas party tonight!

Have a great weekend everyone!