Sorry for the light blogging this week. Between two gigantic snow storms, taking my grandmother-in-law to the hospital (she's fine now), and an increasingly painful toothache, I've been a little out of it. Hope to be back on top of things next week!
I finally got to meet our neighbors! Specifically, I got to meet the mother who is swimming in adorable blond children. She saw me walking Cricket and she and one of her little boys came to meet us. I was so happy and so inspired just from those few minutes with her! She's got seven children (I think the oldest is around 11) and was so perky and energetic! It was all I could do not to gush "You're my role model" and "We were thinking we wanted four or so, but you've inspired us to go for more" and "Please be my best friend!"
Did I mention it snowed? A foot on Saturday, and another foot and a half on Wednesday. Records have been broken. I actually can't complain though. I figure if it's going to be cold, I'd like snow to go with it. I was able to get to the grocery store and keep our kitchen stocked. Most importantly, my husband didn't have to go to work on Wednesday! Whoo-hoo!
Three of our suppers this week were made in the crockpot: hearty pork stew, bbq beef sandwiches, and chicken cacciatore. I love being able to start it during the day and have everything so easy come suppertime, not to mention how great it smells when you walk in the house! Anyone have a good suggestion for an exclusively-crockpot cookbook, or want to share your favorite crockpot recipe(s)?
I'm really bad about replying to emails, and there's no excuse for it because I sit at my laptop all day long. So if you've sent me a note and I haven't responded yet, I'm sorry.
On a related note, sometimes I want to reply to blog comments with an email, but then I don't get around to it and it's like a week later. Would you think it was weird if you got a one-sentence email from me replying to something you commented on days ago? It's not like it's anything you'd need to respond to.
I can't wait to show you the awesome Valentine's Day gift I made my husband. (Please note that I use the word awesome liberally here. You may insert corny, cheap, or ridiculous in its place.) Look for a picture on Monday!
(Note to said husband: I still mean it when I said don't get me anything. Really. I spent less than $5 on your gift.)
It feels like it's been months since I worked out. I've only exercised three times in the past 2 weeks and it's an awful feeling. I'm blaming the dog and the weather. (Certainly I wouldn't blame my own reluctance to lace up and go!) The piles of snow prohibit running outside, and the dog's fear of the treadmill (which is right next to her bed) make me feel bad running inside. I do have to give the dog some credit, though, as her bathroom breaks at least make me get outside for a walk twice a day!
Check out conversiondiary.com for more Quick Takes!
Have a great weekend everyone!