I'm baaack! Well, almost. Technically I'm writing this from the library, but our modem arrived today and I hope to be back in the blogging swing of things next week. Phew. I've missed you all! I have no idea how I'm going to catch up on all the reading I missed. Is it even possible? If you get a comment from me two weeks from now on a post you wrote last week, that's why.
On the plus side, I've got a lot done on my dissertation by not having any internet or TV around!
The move went well and I couldn't wait to share photos. However, we (I really) still haven't gotten around to unpacking, and I didn't really want to show you pictures of boxes. So I threw the dirty clothes out of the way and pushed the boxes to the side so I could at least get this one picture of our new bedroom furniture:
I was all set to buy a modest swimsuit online, and then came across this cutie in Target! For only $18 (top only) and the chance to try it on before taking it home, I was sold. It goes low enough to cover my rear and is still high enough to keep any cleavage from showing. I'm very excited about these type of "swim dresses" coming in style!

My husband informed me it looked like an old lady swimsuit, but it was in the juniors section! I'm thinking that once he actually sees me wearing it, he won't think it's quite so frumpy. (Maybe it was the ruffle along the bottom, which you can't see too well in the picture?) But just in case, I need your honest opinion. What do you think of this swimsuit? Would you wear it? (Note: there is a detachable strap, in case the strapless part throws you off.)
I'm going to have a short NFP testimonial published in the May 2nd issue of Our Sunday Visitor! I'm super excited - something written by puny ol' me next to something written by Janet Smith! And in the same issue as this article by Jennifer Fulwiler! My life is complete.
(Note: You can't read it online unless you're a subscriber. Does anyone subscribe to this? I really want to get my hands on a hard copy when it comes out.)
Next big thing I'm excited about: the National Theology of the Body Congress, July 28-30! This is not nearly as expensive as the TOB institute courses, and it looks to be really great! In one place it says early registration is by May 1 and in another it says May 22, but I'm going to play it safe and go ahead and register for it next week.
It just so happens to be close enough so that I can drive each day (~45 minutes) instead of paying to stay at the place, and I thought I'd throw out that we have a spare bedroom in our new place, if any of you are interested in coming but can't afford the registration plus staying in a hotel. Of course, let's be honest: this isn't a completely open invitation. If you're some creepster who has never commented before, you're not invited. But if you're a regular around here, please do consider yourself welcome! (My husband might want to run a background check before you get here, but other than that you really can come!)
Oh, and there's another conference in the Philadelphia area next weekend! I'll be attending the Philadelphia Natural Family Planning Network (PNFPN) conference "The Bitter Pill" on May 1st, and dragging my husband to at least the first half of the day. Anyone else planning to be there?
Another perk of married life: when you keep finding ticks on the dog (despite the Frontline), you and your husband can check each other's heads for ticks every other night.
Have a great weekend everyone! See you next week!