The Green Room

Door open or closed?

Many many moons ago, my best friend and I were staff at a 4-H camp together. We got our own cabin with its own bathroom. The bathroom was a bit special - it had two toilets. Just sitting there next to each other.

Kind of like this.

Another staff member a few years older than us fondly reminisced how she and her best friend had shared that cabin a few years back, and they decided to go to the bathroom at the same time. That's how good of friends they were. When I giggled to my friend that we should do that, she adamently refused.

Fast forward some seven years. By now I've been to the bathroom with plenty of girlfriends (ah, college parties), but for some reason assume my old friend hasn't. On the phone she happens to mention that she and her husband don't bother to shut the door when they're going to the bathroom.

I was shocked! Not even my husband and I do that.

We joked about it, actually, while we were engaged. My husband the scientist seemed fine with it then. Once we got married, however, it was a different story. He was horrified by the thought of us seeing each other use the toilet! I tease him to no end that I'm going to intentionally walk in on him and torment him by forgetting to shut the door all the way.

My grandpa says that's how you know when the honeymoon's over - when you can use the bathroom while the other person's in there. Apparently our honeymoon is still going strong!

(However, the dog and I - well, our honeymoon is definitely over. She walks in on me all the time. And when the oh-so-terrifying lawn mowers came around the other day, she decided that we should both pee in the bathroom at the same time - me on the toilet and her on the bath rug. But I digress.)

By now my husband and I have joked about it so much that it has turned into a bigger deal than it should be! I don't think he even really cares that much anymore, but he is the king of sticking to his guns. Even though he's planning to be right there during childbirth (which looks much grosser than going to the bathroom - I know it's the beauty of giving life and whatnot, but have you seen the pictures?), he claims that even after that the bathroom door will stay closed.

So question of the day (which you certainly don't need to answer, as maybe you have a bit more decorum or sense of privacy than I do, as my husband apparently does!) - do you and your spouse share the bathroom, or does the door stay shut?