The Green Room

7 Quick Takes (52)

A pregnancy-related guest post from my husband the scientist!

I have four generations of women in the house right now if you include our unborn daughter - my wife's mother and grandmother are here visiting. Growing up I only had one great grand-parent and she passed away at 100 years old. I was about five years old. Our firstborn is going to have five great-grandparents alive at birth. And they all will get the chance to know our child.

Women are saying my wife's carrying like it's gonna be a boy. That and I also had a dream that it came out a boy. Is there any old wives tale about the husband knowing the gender from a dream?

Come to think of it. Are there such things as old husband tales?

After watching the skits below, I feel fairly confident that we're going to have a natural childbirth. Why? Because we're not driving a Ferrari to the hospital.

(Watch while eating jello pudding snacks.)

One of the pediatricians we saw said that they're recommending the HPV vaccine for 11 year old boys now. We won't be using that pediatrician.

My wife's jumped on the probiotic bandwagon. I've been drinking Kefir for the past year and my stomach feels great. That and my wife says my breath smells good after I drink the raspberry and strawberry flavors.

After reading Natural Childbirth the Bradley Way, I told my wife that her labor "will be our finest hour." I think it'll be a good test of how much we are really paying attention to each other and how much we understand her body and the birth process. I can't wait.