On Wednesday I discovered that my ankles were gone... to be completely replaced by cankles! Agh! That's what I get for bragging the day before that all my weight gain is in my belly.
We found the baptism gown that my husband and his brothers wore! We are so excited about using this for our daughter's baptism. The lace is so old and the fabric is so thin that we're pretty sure this is what his mother wore for her baptism as well. It even has a cape to go with it!
I finished another Christmas gift. I had initially planned to make fleece vests for several of our brothers... but making this first one was a nightmare! I thought any fleece projects were by default easy. While this wasn't hard per se, I thought the instructions were fairly poor and my workmanship even poorer. So don't look too closely!
The entire time I was making the above vest, I swore I wouldn't be making any more. And yet somehow I walked out of the fabric store today with materials for another one. I must be a glutton for punishment.
Speaking of the fabric store, I am now a "preferred shopper" at JoAnn's. I'm pretty sure that means I've spent too much money there in a short amount of time.
I'm hoping to not spend money on the day after Thanksgiving though! I read the other day about having a Green Friday instead of a Black Friday, and thought it was such a cute idea. Basically instead of going out shopping with all the crazies (what I usually like to do), you go out to a park or on a hike or do something to enjoy the great outdoors. Fun, huh?
I got a foretaste of the future this week. Specifically, the laundry future. I washed all the baby clothes and diapers, along with our clothes and other random blankets and baby paraphernalia. I can see why mothers find the laundry basket to be their biggest nemesis!
Have a great weekend!