The Green Room

Why this isn't a cooking blog

The Pioneer Woman I am not.
Although you are more than welcome to buy me her cookbook for Christmas so I can attempt to imitate her deliciousness.

I really like to cook, and I'm not half bad at it. (All the credit goes to my mother and 4-H.) And yet I rarely share recipes or discuss food ideas on here. Sometimes I think I'd like to do more with this topic, and then I remember why I don't...

  • Every time I think I'm a domestic goddess, I make a rookie mistake like using baking powder instead of baking soda. I'm pretty sure it's God's way of keeping me humble, so I try to just laugh and move on.
  • I'm not actually creative in the kitchen. I like to follow recipes that other people have proven to work.
  • I am not a good photographer, so I can't provide any of those awesome step-by-step pictures.
  • Back to the lack of creativity... I'm lost without a menu plan. My brain goes blank and I can't think of anything to make for dinner except for frozen pizza.
  • I have no sense of portion control. I often accidentally make enough to feed 6 instead of 2.
  • Meals that are supposed to take 30 minutes to prepare inevitably take me 45.
  • I don't do fancy ingredients. And I should confess that in my book, even something as simple as chopping up a bar of good chocolate instead of using cocoa powder counts as fancy.
  • I've come to the conclusion that you really can't beat a box mix of brownies or cornbread. (I would really love to be proven wrong on this one, but after trying several homemade brownie recipes that only turned out so-so, I'm not sure I can be.)

And that my friends is why this is not a cooking blog. Do you like to share recipes on your blog, or does something keep you from it? Do you have any kitchen confessions you need to get off your chest?