I can hear and feel the baby squish when I bend over too far! Sorry sweetie - Mommy's gotta get her socks on! I assure you it's a hard process for both of us.
I hear that you lose a lot of hair after the baby arrives. Can I just say that I hope this includes chin hair? I feel like one of the three little pigs. I'm going to start answering all negative questions with "Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin!"
We've decided not to tweet the birth. I know you're all so disappointed. I am not :)
By noon today I will have finished all the shopping I could possibly need to do for the next two months. The goal is to not set foot inside a store (besides for groceries) until February!
I'm finished with our homemade Christmas gifts! I ended up making fewer than I originally planned, but I'm pretty happy with how they turned out. I made aprons for some women, fleece vests for some men, and these fun luggage tags and matching handle wraps for some frequent fliers (flyers?).
If anyone is interested, I'd be glad to share how to make the luggage accessories. Also, if anyone has a suggestion on how to sew on the plastic part without it looking terrible, I'd be really happy for the help!
How about a few links today? There were a couple articles lately on the topic of contraception. First, here's an interesting secular piece that actually questions the pill in New York Magazine. (H/T Faith and Family Live.)
Then, the Pope said WHAT about condoms??? I know it's been a week and most of the hullabaloo has died down, but just in case you didn't catch it, the pope didn't actually change 2000 years of Church doctrine. (You had to know the story was twisted when you saw the headlines, right?) Here's an explanation of what Pope Benedict actually said, and here are two follow-ups.
While I'm sharing links, here's a nice soapbox piece about NFP and discernment from Sarah at Fumbling Toward Grace. And here's a great post by Kaitlin at More Like Mary, More Like Me about the importance of knowing your friend's parents - particularly Jesus' mother.
For more quick takes, visit Jen at conversiondiary.com.
Have a great weekend everyone!