- You decide that any weight gained in the last two weeks doesn't count, and eat accordingly.
- Your husband carefully analyzes your belly every morning and evening to determine if and how much it's dropped.
- While you were a bit annoyed by being treated like an invalid at the beginning of the pregnancy, you're now appalled if you aren't pandered to. Did that grocery bagger really just walk away when I got in line?!
- At the library you completely skip the pregnancy books, barely skim the childbirth books, and actually check out the postpartum books.
- You can't think of anything else to blog about.
- Putting on your shoes and socks counts as your daily exercise.
- All your shirts have stains on the belly from toothpaste or dinner.
- People ask when you're due and you respond in number of days.
- Every morning your husband asks if the baby's coming that day.
- You discover the older ladies at daily mass are placing wagers on the baby. They're hoping the Feast of the Immaculate Conception (tomorrow) or Our Lady of Guadalupe (Sunday), and you hope they're right, because then she would be early!
- Even though you're really ready for the baby to arrive, you're trying to think of ways to stall an induction
whenif she's late. - You and your husband have seriously discussed trying the, ahem, natural ways to induce the baby.
- The prenatal exercise class you had thought was so easy is now quite a workout.
- Heck, just getting up from the couch and going to the bathroom leaves you huffing.
- You can no longer count the number of times you wake up at night.
- Your belly peeks out from your maternity clothes.
- You vow to never laugh at another woman's cankles again.
- Despite all of this, when people ask if you're sick of being pregnant, you're shocked that they would even think of such a question.
What would you add to this list?