I'm rather indifferent to Twitter. I don't know much about it, and figure it's just another internet time-sucker that I should avoid. My husband the scientist has looked down on Twitter from its inception, sure that it's just another fad that will rise and fall.
That's why I was shocked when he suggested that we TWEET THE BIRTH OF OUR BABY! Did I say shocked? Make that floored, stunned, astounded, flabbergasted. I would have fallen over if I wasn't already lying on the couch.
Mr. Anti-Twitter wants to get a Twitter account? Mr. Don't-Say-Too-Much-About-Our-Private-Lives-On-The-Internet wants to share all the intimate details of our firstborn child's birth? Mr. We're-Only-Calling-Your-Parents-Once-When-We-Go-To-The-Hospital-And-No-One-Else wants to give a play-by-play of the labor and delivery to the world? I tried to wrap my mind around this.
"I just think it'd be a creative way to share the birth story," he explained.
While I agree that it would be creative and even fairly interesting, I'm just not so sure that this is something I'm up for. On his part, my husband did agree that it would probably only be fun during the early stages of labor, before it got really hard. I'm pretty sure it won't happen, if for no other reason than we don't have fancy phones that connect to the internet, so it would be a bit difficult logistically.
But just for fun, we decided to turn to you all and ask your thoughts on the matter. Would you be interested in reading a birth story on Twitter as it happened? Would you ever tweet the birth of your own child?