I'm trying to figure out how to balance blogging with real life. So far I've done well at making sure to prioritize Miriam over the computer, but it's the other little things that I want to do that compete. So for example for a few days I didn't comment because I was busy sewing (homemade wipes, nursing cover, etc.), and then I felt guilty, like I was ignoring my friends! But I still haven't finished the sleep gown I wanted to make because the internet sucked me in. How do other moms balance this?
Some people have asked how serious we are about moving to the Midwest. let's put it this way - I just spent too much money to buy a wooden teething ring in the shape of Missouri.
Guess who else decided it looked like something nice to chew on?
It has taken all my willpower not to write an entire post about how much I dislike having a dog now that we have a baby. The only thing stopping me is that I'm afraid you all will hate me. So let me just put it this way: I am not meant to have an indoor dog.
So, car seats. Is it actually illegal for your baby not to be riding in one, or just strongly discouraged? Just checking...
While I'm asking questions, I have an important one. How can we go about condensing naps and settling Miriam into a routine? She takes like 5 short naps a day, and I'm pretty sure she's overtired at night. I have been able to start making her afternoon nap longer, by nursing her back to sleep when she first wakes up. But I don't necessarily want to do that all day long. Any suggestions?
At Miriam's four month appointment this week, the pediatrician mentioned we could start solids. I felt a moment of panic and asked if it was okay to wait until six months. He seemed surprised, but said that was fine, just not to wait any longer than that. Phew! I haven't researched how I want to feed Miriam at all yet, so guess what I'll be reading about over the next month or two? Any suggestions on that topic?
We're flying out next week to visit my family! I'm soo excited! Among other family members, Miriam will get to meet all four of her great-grandparents on my side!
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Have a great week!