We've been thinking and talking more and more lately about buying a house. Which is of course one of the most exciting things ever! So while I am quite content for the moment, I have started daydreaming big time.
Now I always thought that my husband and I would build our own home. This is probably because my parents and both sets of grandparents did, so I just assumed that's what people did. Plus I had a good friend who would draw home designs for fun in middle school and high school, and I picked up her habit.
My husband, however, shakes his head and reminds me of the glut of houses out there. The thought of building our own place had never crossed his mind.
Regardless of whether we build or buy, the dream is one of the following houses on a couple acres.

Now if we were in the market for a ninety-three hundred square foot mansion, this one would probably be the winner:

And while we're pie in the sky dreaming, let's throw in a tree-lined drive, a creek for the kids to play in, a small orchard of mature fruit trees, and a barn for the cow. And perhaps most importantly, kind Christian neighbors, who have kids for our kids to play with and who raise chickens so we can buy eggs from them. We'll be in the same 4-H club.
Tell me about your dream home! And tell me I'm not the only one who browses house plans in their spare time...