This year NFP Awareness Week happens to coincide with My Husband Starts His New Job Week and We're Closing On Our New House Week. It also falls squarely in the several week saga of We're Staying With My Parents Who Live In The Country And Therefore Have Painfully Slow Internet.
So instead of hearing me go all hearts and flowers about Natural Family Planning like I usually do, how about a change of pace? Other smarter and wittier people have more interesting things to say anyway!
It's Time to Talk Honestly about Natural Family Planning (Simcha Fisher)
"But if you don't talk to someone, you're going to jump in front of a train. The truth is, sometimes NFP stinks."
Bad at NFP and Proud! (Jennifer Fulwiler)
"Instead of seeing pregnancies as precarious, once- or twice-in-a-lifetime events that require extensive planning and hand-wringing, they seemed to see pregnancy as a natural part of married life. They joked that that some of their children were more expected than others, and made passing comments about sometimes being surprised by seeing two lines on pregnancy tests. And here was the crazy part: None of this seemed to ruin their lives. In fact, they seemed pretty happy!"
And I am quite excited to read the series Rae is posting at No Wealth But Life:
NFP Awareness Week (Rae)
"But someone out there decided that we needed to raise awareness of NFP as if it were a disease, rather than celebrate it and its great advances. And since I always go along with what someone out there once decided, I am here to raise your awareness!"
Liberator of Women (guest post by April of My Feminine Mind)
"I’m going to say something surprising and perhaps somewhat shocking. So be prepared. Here it comes: As the former queen of negative self-talk, (mixed in with some actual self harm) I firmly assert that NFP healed me from seven years of childhood sexual abuse."
The Man Your Man Could Chart Like (guest post by Josh - be sure to watch the video first!)
"Anything is possible when your man charts like a man."
Be sure to check back there every day this week for what I am sure will be more fantastic guest posts!