Last week in a moment of sleep-deprived desperation, a lightbulb went off. A pacifier! Yes! Everybody uses a pacifier to help their baby sleep! As wary as I had been of them, I was now certain that a pacifier would solve all of our problems.
I dashed to the closet and rummaged around until I found the bag of freebies that the hospital had sent us home with. Jackpot - a pacifier! Oh, even an orthodontic kind - whatever the heck that meant. Hopefully that it wouldn't screw up her teeth, I guess. At this point I didn't really care what her orthodontist bill would be - I just wanted some sleep.
I brought the pacifier out for Miriam to get used to during her playtime. I eagerly stuck it in her mouth.
She pulled it out and looked it over...
... and promptly decided this made a wonderful teether and started gnawing on the side.
I gently pulled it out, properly reinserted it, and waited for the sucking to begin.
She pulled it out and again started chewing the side.
We repeated this cycle once more before I decided to give up, mourning the fact that I was all too successful in my goal of my daughter not becoming attached to a pacifier.
Miriam, on the other hand, was quite delighted with her new teething ring.