Store-brand organic items. Because even if I have become that woman, I'm still cheap.
Magazines. It took us over a month before we even plugged in our television, and it's been wonderful. It is so nice to relax with a magazine or a book at night, as opposed to staring at a screen of some sort. Magazines also have the bonus of being easy to read while watching Miriam play - I can read bits here and there without worrying about losing my place or my focus when I have to jump up and stop her from going headfirst into the fireplace or pulling the bookshelf over on herself or eating the dog. My favorites lately have been Country Living, as I search for decorating inspiration, and Natural Home and Garden, which I picked up on a whim and am really enjoying.
Living so close to family. You know, if you consider an hour and a half close. After living 1000 miles apart, 87 miles door to door feels like nothing! We've gotten to see my family every week and it's been wonderful. We won't be seeing them quite so often as we get settled and make friends here, but it's nice to have that option.
The doctor of my dreams. I took Miriam to a family practitioner for the first time last week. This woman is fantastic. Breastfeeding? She's a La Leche League member and happens to be an expert in treating tongue tie. (Turns out Miriam has upper lip tie, which is similar - that's why nursing was so extremely painful in the beginning.) Waking at night? "Well, why did you move her out of your bed?" Elimination communication? "We started my son at 10 weeks."
If anything, she'll be urging us to more crunchy choices! She instructed me to get rid of the classic yellow baby shampoo we're using, because "it's full of chemicals." OB-GYN recommendation? She'll do my pap smears and give me the name of a midwife when the time comes "and it'll probably have to be a home birth, but that's actually safer than a hospital. Both mine were at home."
Since I know she's coming from the same place, if not a more extreme position, I give a lot more weight to her recommendations. We had dismissed our previous pediatrician's propositions of vitamin D supplements and flu shots, but since Dr. Granola suggested them we are reevaluating those decisions. It's so cool to find a doctor that doesn't just tolerate our choices but actually affirms them.
My husband. Well obviously he's something I'm loving all the time and not just lately. But lately I've been especially thankful that I have him to balance me out. I can get a bit carried away at times and when I start to let an idea run away with me, it's good to have him there to give me perspective, and sometimes to put his foot down before I try to take our family too far off the deep end. Just another reason why I love my husband!

Two new potties. First I heard from another ECer about the BecoPotty, which is a great size for babies (low to the ground) and a great price for mamas (half the cost of most others). And it's biodegradable. You know, because I was hoping to find a potty that I could plant in our garden when we were done with it.
"You're gonna do what with this?"
See, it's half as tall as a normal potty.
Then our upstairs bathroom toilet seat broke, and when I was out looking for a new one I found one with a child-size seat built in! I am way too excited about this one!
It goes up and down - so cool!
Miriam clearly shares my enthusiasm.
Miriam's (Ugly)(ish) Doll. There were several things Miriam got when she was born that went straight to the donation pile, and this doll was almost one of them.
And yet there was something about this ugly doll that I couldn't quite part with. And within a matter of months, it was my favorite! I love the fabrics and I really love the size. It makes the perfect lovey for her - the other stuffed animals were too big, the teething rings were too hard, and the blankets were too much of a suffocation risk. (Sidenote: When can we let her sleep with a blanket?) This doll is just the right size for Miriam to hold onto, just the right size for her to chew on, and I can't think of any way that this could pose a safety risk. Luckily, she seems to like it, too.
As always, loving Jen for hosting this week's 7 quick takes.
What are you loving lately?