The Green Room

Which NFP Method is Right for Me? (Beta Quiz)

I'm so excited to share the beta version of this quiz before it goes up on the sure-to-be-awesome new iusenfp website! I'd love to get your thoughts on it - how I should reword, any questions I should add, anything that is unclear? I do realize these are generalizations, but that's the nature of this type of thing. I'm hoping that it can be helpful for someone who's brand new to the world of NFP.

UPDATE: The folks at iusenfp made this quiz a gazillion times better - check out the final version HERE!

Most people don’t realize there are a variety of methods of Natural Family Planning. This can be overwhelming at first – they’ve already made the often difficult decision not to use contraception, and now they have to navigate multiple methods? This quiz is intended to help people new to NFP figure out which method may be a good fit for them.

Obviously the results are not binding – if your answers indicate one method but you’re attracted to another method, by all means use the one you want! Additionally, some areas only offer courses in one or two methods, so look to see what’s available locally before setting your heart on a particular one. (Then again, you may be able to learn remotely – contact each specific group for more information on that.)

It’s also important to realize you can switch methods, and you very well may at some point in time. For example, my husband and I started out practicing sympto-thermal, went to a Creighton intro class just for fun, and then shifted to Marquette for postpartum.

While this quiz will highlight the differences between methods, all forms of NFP are actually fairly similar. One very important similarity is their efficacy in avoiding pregnancy (linked numbers to come).

Please note we are only discussing modern symptom-based methods of NFP here, and not the outdated Rhythm Method or other calendar methods. While these may work very well for some women with very regular cycles, the majority of women will experience cycle irregularity at some point. The methods included in this quiz work with your specific body and cycle, as opposed to simply relying on averages.

Now on to the quiz!

Which NFP Method is Right for Me?

1. How regular are your menstrual cycles?
  • A) Somewhat regular, though they may be shorter or longer than 28 days.
  • B) Fairly regular, though they may be longer than 28 days.
  • C) All over the place, perhaps due to PCOS or endometriosis.
  • D) I’ve never really paid attention.

2. What are your mornings like?
  • A) I wake up at the same time every day like clockwork.
  • B) My wake-up time varies somewhat but not a lot.
  • C) All over the place – one day I may be up at 6:00, the next not until 11:00.
  • D) It just depends on the day.

3. What do you place the most trust in?
  • A) I’m confident in myself but like to be able to double-check.
  • B) I have a hard time trusting myself without a high-tech backup.
  • C) I trust myself more than any technology.
  • D) I trust God and don’t worry about the details.

4. Would your husband believe you more if you said…
  • A) The thermometer says we can have sex today!
  • B) The monitor says we can have sex today!
  • C) My mucus signs indicate we can have sex today!
  • D) Eh, I think we should be fine to have sex today!


Mostly As – A sympto-thermal method (STM). You'll take your temperature each morning and observe your cervical mucus each day; you may optionally check your cervix as well. For more information, check out:
Couple-to-Couple League
Northwest Family Services

Mostly Bs – A monitor method. You'll test your urine each morning and observe your cervical mucus each day. For more information, check out:
Marquette Model

Mostly Cs – An ovulation method. You'll observe your cervical mucus each day. For more information, check out:
Creighton Model FertilityCare System
Billings Method
Family of the Americas

Mostly Ds – No method. There’s no rule that you must use NFP, after all. If you don’t have a reason to avoid pregnancy, then enjoy the freedom and excitement of giving your fertility completely over to God.

What do you think? I've noticed several things that can be rephrased, so feel free to nitpick (nicely, of course!). How are the definitions of the methods? My husband says it needs a fifth question - any suggestions? Also, do you think I should include those methods that are more on the fringe, such as LadyComp or CycleBeads? What about Ovusoft or just the Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) in general? What about Serena, the Canada NFP group that I just came across yesterday?
Thanks, friends - I really do appreciate your input!