The Green Room

GPS jab

My husband the scientist hates GPS units. Don't get him started talking about them, unless you want to hear about how helpless our society has become, how no one has to think anymore, etc.

Last night he took a wrong turn on our way home. We got on one of those highways where there's no easy off ramp where you can turn around - you'd just be getting onto another highway and end up lost in the middle of nowhere. In the midst of this, a smug voice in my head urged me to make a comment about how handy GPS would be at a time like this.

Thankfully I stopped myself before making this snarky remark. I got to thinking, really, what good what that have done? Who would I be impressing? I would just be cutting down my husband, who was already frustrated. There are enough people out there in the world who try to cut down others. As a wife, it's my job to build up my husband. Not to make him have a huge head and be unrealistic, of course, but to be a constant support and helpmate. So my lips stayed sealed as I scolded that smug voice.

And within three minutes, my brilliant husband the scientist had come up with another way to get home that was just as fast. Plus we didn't have to pay the tolls on the PA turnpike.

Now if I can just remember this lesson (a) when I'm crabby and otherwise less than gracious and (b) to apply this to other people besides the person I love most in this world!