Did anyone else watch The Mentalist season finale? I got to watch the first hour before a certain someone demanded my attention. Apparently after I went to bed it got really good! The first thing this morning my husband told me all about it. It sounded like an awesome ending!

For you tech-savvy TV watchers, is there some place online that I can watch this for free? Even though I know how it ends, I kind of want to see it myself!
We don't actually watch much TV around here. The Big Bang Theory, NCIS, and The Mentalist are the only shows we turn on the TV for.
Partly because we just have bunny ears instead of cable. Sometimes it's all fuzzy and my husband has to get up and adjust them. We're old school around here.
Not that I'm complaining. If we had cable I would just be watching HGTV and The Food Network all day. And I'd probably want to spend more money.
Thanks to Joy for reminding me after my last post that we aren't going to completely ignore all the recommendations for starting solids. We won't give Miriam nuts (mostly because they're a big choking hazard) or honey (even though I don't actually know what botulism is - it just sounds bad). And a spoon might indeed come in handy for foods like yogurt!
I just looked up botulism. Apparently it's "a rare but serious paralytic illness" - thank you Wikipedia. Less than 100 babies a year get it now, and it's basically not fatal if they're treated. Back in 1979 a study found that honey was indicated in roughly a third of the cases of infant botulism. 90% of cases happen before the infant is 6 months old, but to be on the safe side they say not to feed your child honey before they're one.
And now we know.
Miriam can now go a good 4 hours between nursing - but I can't. Not even the physical part, but emotionally I have been surprised that I am not ready to let her go that long between nursing! Isn't it crazy? I went from wanting to cry at the thought of nursing in the beginning to now wanting to cry at the thought of not nursing every 3 hours! I haven't been upset at any other milestones, but for some reason this development has gotten to me!
You know how I wrote about the connection between breast cancer and the pill before? Now you don't have to take my word for it - you can read the book on it! One More Soul is offering Breast Cancer: Its Link to Abortion and the Birth Control Pill by Dr. Chris Kahlenborn for free! Go here to get it. I can't wait to finally read through the whole thing myself!

I had a few other things I could include today, but none of them seem worthy of even their own take now. Mostly because all I can think about is something we're not announcing until Monday! So that's all, folks! Have a great weekend!
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