A few thoughts for your Black Friday.
1. If you're reading this you must not be out shopping. I'm not either - even if I wanted to, my husband forbid it. He's good at keeping my consumer tendencies in check! This year we're spending the day with family that we didn't see yesterday, but in the future (when they don't make it in) we plan to do our own Green Friday instead.
And have you heard about Shop Small Saturday? I love the idea of supporting your favorite small businesses instead of the overcrowded big boys!
2. Here are several great ideas for clutter-free gifts! I love gifts like this. Last year we got my brothers tickets to their first NBA game. Last month we got my mom a trip to the theater for her birthday. For Christmas we're giving my mom and grandma homemade vanilla extract. And when Miriam is old enough, we're seriously considering asking the grandparents to pay for horseback riding lessons as one of her gifts. Wouldn't that be cool?
What are your favorite clutter-free gifts?
3. Have I mentioned that we really don't want a house overflowing with stuff? Some of it is fine, but we're terrified that since Miriam's birthday and Christmas are within a couple weeks of each other, our house is suddenly going to explode with it. But this article reminded me that saying "Don't buy her plastic junk!" can be a bit offensive.
Whoops. We've said loudly and frequently that we don't want too many toys, but I don't think we've said it tactfully or charitably. It's hard because gift giving is neither my husband's nor my love language and sometimes we forget just how important it is for other people! So this is a reminder to myself to allow other people to express their love for her (and us) without wondering how quickly I can donate it.
4. Speaking of excess, we're having a second full turkey dinner today. I plan to go into another food coma and sleep for the rest of the weekend. See you next week!