The Green Room

No Plain Pony November Wrap-Up

We made it!

One thing I learned from all this? Although my hair is very pretty when it's long, I don't think it's the most flattering look for my face. So I finally got up the courage to get my hair cut the other night! And for the first time in ten years I even got (gasp) bangs! Okay, they're long enough that they're probably always going to be tucked behind my ear, but it's a start.

The other thing I learned from this month? It is actually possible to shower (almost) every day and make an effort to look nice. On the flip side, now when I wear my hair in a ponytail I am going to claim that it is due to my lack of skill with bobby pins as opposed to me just being lazy.

Thanks for sticking with me through this month - I know the posts were a bit boring, but it was good accountability for me. And special thanks to Joy and Knowledge Hungry for taking part all along! Any closing remarks from anyone else?

  1. > Forty Faces: Day 24
  2. > Forty Faces: Day 23
  3. > Forty Faces: Day 22
  4. > Forty Faces: Day 21
  5. > Forty Faces: Day 19