The Green Room

Quiet in the midst of chaos

I think we've finally recovered from all the visiting and driving of two Thanksgivings and one Christmas celebration last weekend.

Now this weekend is my husband's birthday.

Next weekend is Miriam's birthday.

The following weekend we're hosting my dad's whole side for Christmas.

The weekend after that is actually Christmas.

And the weekend after that I'll be struggling to stay awake 'til midnight. Maybe I'll just go to bed and set the alarm.

So yeah, it's a busy month. I'm trying hard to keep things simple and focused in the midst of BUY!BUY!BUY! all around me. Part of my effort to step back and enjoy this season will include a little blog break. I hate that I haven't been able to keep up with all of your blogs, and my own posting has become more of a chore than a joy. Most importantly, instead of putting out more words, I really want to make time for The Word.

So I wish you all a peaceful Advent and a very joyful Christmas. See you next year!

  1. > 7 Quick Takes (74)
  2. > Four important questions for you
  3. > 7 Things I'm Loving Lately
  4. > Where my girls at?
  5. > And suddenly I'm that woman