The Green Room

7 Quick Takes (40) - How to Spread NFP Awareness

To wrap up Natural Family Planning Awareness Week, I thought it would be helpful to devote my quick takes to 7 ways we can spread awareness of NFP. I should note, though, that this isn't just about spreading NFP itself - it's really about spreading the Theology of the Body and building a Culture of Life! And in my humble opinion, this can best happen one person at a time, thanks to another person who loved them enough to share it with them.

Pray. Obviously that's first and foremost. (I have to put it first to remind myself, though - sometimes I forget it, then wonder why things aren't working, until I remember that I was basing everything on my own efforts instead of on God's. Duh.)

Keep books in the trunk of your car to give away. This might sound a little silly or extreme, but I met a woman at the TOB Congress this week who does just that. I think the love with which she pulls out and gives someone a book, which she honestly believes will help them, is evident. This isn't about having two dozen copies of a single book to bash people over the head with; it's about having a discussion with someone, feeling led to share with that person a book that you personally were touched by, and being able to easily do that. It's very important to remember that the book is supplemental to the relationship, no matter how fleeting that relationship may be.

Give away CDs. If you the person you'd like to share with is not likely to read an entire book on the matter, a cd on the topic might be a better choice. If you're too chicken to actually give it to the person, you can always just "accidentally" leave it in their car and hope they listen to it out of curiosity. For example, you can drop a Janet Smith lecture (which you can download as an MP3 for less than a dollar here!).

A slight note of caution: only give good quality recordings. I've heard some recorded lectures that were so difficult to listen to, I didn't really want to listen to the whole thing - and I was already sold on the subject matter! You can't expect a person to be impressed by a poor recording, no matter how strong the argument.

And if you aren't into giving away books or cds (because that can get pricey), you can always share little pamphlets with people (which you can get dirt cheap from places like One More Soul, which also offers bulk discounts), especially if they include websites where the person can learn more.

Read and share blog posts on these subjects. There have been so many wonderful posts this week of reflections on NFP! I love reading them for many reasons, perhaps most importantly that by understanding other people's experiences, I am better able to love them and others. Is there a post that not only spoke to you, but brought someone else to mind? Perhaps that's a sign for you to share the post with that person and use it as a springboard for discussion!

Here's a selection of good blog posts by other people for NFP Awareness Week:

Funny Moments on the NFP Path (Feel My Love)
Feminism and Fertility (No Wealth But Life)
How has NFP worked for you? Parts I, II, III, IV (A variety of bloggers responded to this question at No Wealth But Life)
NFP and Me (Fumbling Toward Grace)
NFP and Trust (From the Heart)
What NFP has taught me (Musings of a Catholic Lady)

(Several of these ladies also have a specific category tags devoted to posts on NFP, so you can read all of their stuff on that by clicking it. For example, here's what the Matching Moonheads NFP tag pulls up. And if you're really bored, you can read the stuff I've written, too.)

Relate to other people's interests. I sometimes get really fired up about the "green" folks who refuse to eat meat with synthetic hormones but choose to put them in their bodies through hormonal contraception. But it's so important to remember that these people probably don't even realize what they're doing! By considering other people's interests, in this case the environment and health, we can make the issue more applicable to them and address their concerns. We can do this with a variety of people, such as Christians who are trying to figure out how God truly wants them to live. We can even do this with facebook junkies, who a TOB speaker pointed out are clearly seeking communion (and the Theology of the Body is all about the communion of persons).

Testify in the checkout line. Yes, literally, though I don't mean for you to necessarily launch into a stereotypical evangelical testimony every time you buy milk. But for example, if you have a large family, be a smiling witness to the joy of children when people make comments about the number of children you have. (Okay, if you really think a snarky response will help, here are a few.) If you don't have children, make that family's day by being sure to say a supportive comment to them.

It really isn't so much about having a bunch of kids in the supermarket - it's about striving to live the life you've been given in a manner that is brimming over in love for others.

Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope, but do it with gentleness and reverence, keeping your conscience clear... (1 Peter 3:15-16)

Ask God what He wants you to do. Maybe He has other ways you can work towards this goal, things that only you specifically can do! Maybe He wants you to be focused on another issue. Maybe He wants you to pursue this in a different way or along a different timeline from what you would prefer. You don't know if you don't ask! So seriously go to the Lord and ask for the guidance of the Holy Spirit. You might be surprised what the answer is.

Do you have any suggestions for ways to spread NFP awareness? Has anything worked particularly well (or poorly) for you?