The Green Room

When life is incomplete

We're planners. My husband and I like to plan ahead for a lot of things. Case in point, last night my husband was talking about buying flash cards for the child that's still in my womb.

Usually I consider this plan-ahead nature to be a good thing, but sometimes I get caught up in all my planning and forget to live for today! Here's what my plans usually sound like:

"Once I finish my dissertation, I'll... "
"When we have children, we'll never/always... "
"Once we move to the midwest, life will be perfect because... "

I'm particularly bad about the children one, because my plans often skip the next 10 or so years and get right to when we've had all the kids we'll have and are in the thick of raising them. Um, a lot can happen between now and then!

It's good to plan for and dream about the future, but I sometimes have to remind myself to focus on the here and now. Just because I haven't achieved everything yet does not mean my life is incomplete. I want to recognize the season that I'm in and embrace it!

Are you a planner? Anyone who's good at enjoying the present have any tips to offer?

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